Embodied Presence
Meditation Retreat
Are you longing to walk towards your own wholeness? This day long retreat with Jennifer Lovejoy will give you the time and space to come home to yourself...
How do we include everything in our lives in the field of love?
How can we recognize that the "bad" and the "good" are both portals to what life wants to grow us towards?
How can we be with another person and not give up ourselves?
How can we remember that we are not alone?
How can we find our way back to the knowing that everything and everyone on this planet is participating in an intricately woven web of interconnection?
How can re-member and honor the beauty and delight of living in a body?
For more information contact jennifer@lovejoyembodiment.com
WHEN: Sat, April 27,2019 / 10 am-6 pm
WHERE: Authentic Healing Wellness Center, Portland OR
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Whatever you are faced with right now is not in opposition to life. It is life.
This will be a weekend of deep quiet, much of our time will be spent in silence. The theme of the weekend is this: how do we weave together the places that we have split off from ourselves, due to trauma, busyness, emotional overwhelm, distraction, social conditioning...?How can we weave ourselves back toward integration using our own presence?
During this weekend we will:
play with the dance of meeting exactly what is here in this moment..."good" or "bad"
learn meditation techniques designed to integrate the differentiated parts of mind and of body.
practice staying with ourselves while we are in connection with another person.
use movement as a deep mediation with the whole body.
use breath work as a way to connect to our internal world.
practice creating agility in the nervous system by learning to hold two (or more) things at once.
practice turning towards sensations, emotions, thoughts that we reflexively turn away from.
recognize and practice the power of rest and unwinding as a pathway to connecting with our wholeness and aliveness.
have deep connections with others.
go to the root of our feelings of separateness. get a glimpse that you are not alone on this journey.